Палубен изтребител – Mitsubishi Zero A6M2b

14.20 лв.

Умален модел на военен самолет Mitsubishi Zero A6M2b.

Оригинално описание:

The Mitsubishi A6M Zero was a long range naval fighter aircraft that formed the backbone of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Air Arm throughout the Second World War. Blessed with exceptional manoeuvrability, as well as long range, the Zero proved to be the best carrier fighter aircraft in the world when it made its debut in China in 1940, and then again in the opening stages of the Pacific War against the United States.

The A6M2b Zero fighter marked the beginning of a new era in naval aviation and was the first shipboard fighter capable of outperforming land-based aircraft. It was an extremely deadly weapon in a dogfight, and was famous for its ability to outmanoeuvre all the US’s early fighter aircraft.

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Производител: Airfix


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Умален модел на военен самолет Mitsubishi Zero A6M2b.

Оригинално описание:

The Mitsubishi A6M Zero was a long range naval fighter aircraft that formed the backbone of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Air Arm throughout the Second World War. Blessed with exceptional manoeuvrability, as well as long range, the Zero proved to be the best carrier fighter aircraft in the world when it made its debut in China in 1940, and then again in the opening stages of the Pacific War against the United States.

The A6M2b Zero fighter marked the beginning of a new era in naval aviation and was the first shipboard fighter capable of outperforming land-based aircraft. It was an extremely deadly weapon in a dogfight, and was famous for its ability to outmanoeuvre all the US’s early fighter aircraft.

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Елементите на модела са направени от едноцветна пластмаса. Моделът може да се оцвети с боички.

Производител: Airfix

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Тегло 0.095 кг
Размери 23.5 × 12.5 × 3 см
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