Разузнавач – Vought Kingfisher

17.90 лв.

Умален модел на военен самолет Vought Kingfisher.

Оригинално описание:

Conceived as a catapult launched observation floatplane, the Vought Kingfisher was a compact single engine monoplane, with one large single float and two smaller floats under-wing to act as stabilisers. Operated in the scout and air sea rescue role, the Kingfisher proved to be a vital and excellent tool in locating and rescuing downed airmen and marooned sailors from the inhospitable waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The Kingfisher was the US Navy’s first catapult-launched monoplane observation floatplane aircraft. It came in both float and land-based configurations, and served as observer, anti-submarine, and rescue aircraft. A total of 1,519 Kingfisher were built.

Производител: Airfix


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Умален модел на военен самолет Vought Kingfisher.

Оригинално описание:

Conceived as a catapult launched observation floatplane, the Vought Kingfisher was a compact single engine monoplane, with one large single float and two smaller floats under-wing to act as stabilisers. Operated in the scout and air sea rescue role, the Kingfisher proved to be a vital and excellent tool in locating and rescuing downed airmen and marooned sailors from the inhospitable waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The Kingfisher was the US Navy’s first catapult-launched monoplane observation floatplane aircraft. It came in both float and land-based configurations, and served as observer, anti-submarine, and rescue aircraft. A total of 1,519 Kingfisher were built.

Производител: Airfix

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Тегло 0.5 кг
Размери 12.7 × 15.2 см
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