Танк – Sherman Crab

17.90 лв.

Умален модел на танк – Sherman Crab, създаден от американски военни инженери.

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Оригинално описание:

To support the infantry through the minefields on the ground operation in Europe and the Pacific, US military engineers decided to modify their new tank, the M4 Sherman, which was not only used by US forces, but also by the British, Canadian and Free French forces. Chains attached to a cylinder on the front of the Sherman made contact with anti-personal or anti-tank mines, triggering the explosion which would not destroy any part of the Sherman tank.

Производител: Airfix


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Умален модел на танк – Sherman Crab, създаден от американски военни инженери.

За да може да сглобите и залепите този макет ви е необходимо лепило.

Оригинално описание:

To support the infantry through the minefields on the ground operation in Europe and the Pacific, US military engineers decided to modify their new tank, the M4 Sherman, which was not only used by US forces, but also by the British, Canadian and Free French forces. Chains attached to a cylinder on the front of the Sherman made contact with anti-personal or anti-tank mines, triggering the explosion which would not destroy any part of the Sherman tank.

Производител: Airfix

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Тегло 0.12 кг
Размери 23 × 12.5 × 4.3 см
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